Key Take Away

  • Annual global growth is expected to accelerate in 2017 but level off at the same growth rate in 2018.
  • Global headline inflation looks headed for a slight uptick in 2017 and a modest decline in 2018.
  • EM profit and economic growth are running ahead of DM, and we believe this can continue.
  • Central bank transparency is contributing to low realized market volatility.
  • Risk assets and government bonds should be able to earn positive total returns in the current environment.

Section Header

As digital shopping trends accelerate and become more dynamic; traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers are finding themselves in uncharted territory.

As digital shopping trends accelerate and become more dynamic; traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers are finding themselves in uncharted territory.

As digital shopping trends accelerate and become more dynamic; traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers are finding themselves in uncharted territory.

B. Author, title and date: Grey (95,95,95) Calibri, all caps, name and title bold, date all caps regular, 10pt
C. Key takeaways: Grey Background (242, 242, 242), bullets, ‘key takaway title’ all caps, Calibri, 10pt, orange (239,118,34), blue bullets, text 10pt calibri
D. Author Box: Grey Background (242, 242, 242) ‘written by’ all caps, 10pt, orange (239,118,34) Author name: Garamond 11pt bold, Author Title: 10pt Calibri, regular
E. Intro paragraph: Garamond 20pt, black, 1pt line spacing
F. Section Header: Garamond 15pt black, title case
G. Body copy: Garamond 12pt, black
H. Chart title: Calibri all caps, orange (239,118,34)
I. Chart source: Garamond 10pt, italic, black

As digital shopping trends accelerate and become more dynamic; traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers are finding themselves in uncharted territory.

As digital shopping trends accelerate and become more dynamic; traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers are finding themselves in uncharted territory.

As digital shopping trends accelerate and become more dynamic; traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers are finding themselves in uncharted territory.